Do you desire a sisterhood of like-minded and open-hearted women to see your soul, invite you to speak from your heart without judgment, and encourage you to be your personal best? 

Throughout history, women have gathered in sacred circle. Be it around a fire in prehistoric times, in consciousness-raising groups in 1970’s living rooms, book groups, knitting circles or online groups in the digital age, women have long congregated to laugh, share, heal, care for children, grieve, and spiritually connect in community. 

Within the structure of the circle, there is no hierarchy; each woman’s voice is equally important, her story honored and received fully. In sacred space, a collective power is harnessed. And when there is focused intent on healing – individually and collectively – magic happens. 

Community feeds our soul! We realize we are not alone. The support, creativity, and sharing of ideas that is fostered in a women’s circle upholds us through life's challenges. By joining a Women's Sacred Circle, we reconnect to the rhythms of Nature, both around us and within us. This gives us the strength to be ourselves even more fully.

In the circle we make a conscious decision to make space in our lives for growth and development. We are supported and support each other in our journeys.    

What Happens in Sacred Circle?

The juiciest (and my favorite) part of these circles is diving deep into our hearts and out of our heads; into compassion and out of judgment of ourselves and others. By connecting to our hearts, our true needs, wants, and desires are made known and we can begin to honor our inner divine feminine. 

Through this connection, we will set monthly intentions that help keep us mindful of who we truly are. We get to honor ourselves, make a plan to continue doing so, and support our sisters on their journeys as well


How Does Women’s Sacred Circle Work?

-Each Circle runs for 12 weeks.

-Each month we have a 90 minute ZOOM circle call plus an additional mid-month 60 minute check-in. The time and day can vary based on the needs of the women.

-During the 12 weeks you will have two scheduled one on one meetings with Denise via the telephone.

-A maximum of 6 women are allowed into the circle at any one time.

-Using Voxer, a free communication app, a sacred container connecting the group will be created and used to enhance our communication. 

-No new woman can enter into the Circle after call 2 (week 2) has ended.

-In addition to each circle, from time to time resource material may be sent out or shared.

-All Circles are led and facilitated by Denise herself.  

My desire in facilitating a Women’s Sacred Circle is to encourage women to listen, feel, connect, and express their intuition and heart. The women that have attended my circles have experienced profound and powerful transformations from being in a sisterhood that compassionately supports each other while encouraging and collaborating with each other to grow. Join a Circle and see! 

~The Power of Circling with a Sisterhood~ 

Somewhere, there are people to whom we can speak with passion
without having the words catch in our throats.
Somewhere a circle of hands will open to receive us,
eyes will light up as we enter,
voices will celebrate with us whenever we come into our own power.
Community means strength that joins our own strength
to do our work that needs to be done.
Arms to hold us when we falter.
A circle of healing. A circle of friends.
A place where we can be free.

— Starhawk (author/ activist)

Our start date and weekly meeting times will be decided based on the magical group that takes form.

Women’s Sacred Circle is currently closed for enrollment. To get on the waitlist, contact me.